Cleopatra V. Perepelita
A Journey
Through The Night
Suite for
piano: Intermediate level.
This is a journey where sounds and words evoke different moods, initiating
reflections about life.
The music offers two interpretations: first, different experiences of nature:
fog, wind, storm and the calm of a moonlit night after the storm; second, a
journey through life.
The words of the „ Dialogue With The Moon” may be recited during the piano
performance of this part.
Fog: by night we search for the right path, through the thick fog. The
piece is characterised by emotions such as fear, uncertainty, and apprehension,
which we all sometimes feel during our journey through life.
As children or as adults we sometimes feel as if we were groping our way through
a fog, before we recognise and find our goal.
The Wind: at first it approaches gently and disperses the fog. Then it
develops into a mighty storm, suggested by clusters and glissandi on the
piano-strings. The wind abates and in the distance a beautiful, soft melody
arises enabling a return to inner peace.
On our journey through life is constantly changing: positive or negative
experiences, here symbolised by the wind, can influence and change our lives.
The wind can be powerful and destructive or gentle and pleasant.
The light returns in another melody of tuneful simplicity, and gives us peace
and strength to continue on our way.
Stormy Night: sudden thunder, lightning and lashing rain. I awake and
begin to think. The noise of the storm recalls the problems, which suddenly
appear and alter one's life in a flash.
The calm, dreamy melody – our thoughts – is interrupted time and again by the
raging of the storm which diminishes more and more.
Dialogue with the Moon: the night has become calm again. The clouds have
disappeared and the moon shines brightly in the peaceful sky. An atmosphere of
calmness and well-being prevails, in which anyone might be moved to talk to the
moon. It is a dialogue with someone who stands above us, someone whom we trust
and who will help us to enjoy our life to the full. But in the end there are so
many unanswered questions. The eternal why question of life, accompanied by the
“Dies Irae” motive, ends the suite.
O, Queen of the night, you who goes with me on my journey,
With your bright beams you caress my soul
And dreams are evoked
Stars dance in a circle and shine brightly,
Like thousands of sparkling diamonds
Firework fills the heavens!
The whole sky glows as if lit for a great feast.
And you wise goddess and seductress muse
You shine and rule in complete stillness,
Over the sublime darkness of the night.
Clips: You Tube
under Perepelita
Pictures: Luisa E.
Notes and CD
€ 17,40 Nr. M-700238-6-3 and CD
Only CD: € 5,00
Stormy Night
Dialogue With The Moon
Gespräch mit dem Mond